Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

The following Code of Ethics has been determined by the Oriental Rug Retailers of America, Inc.  (ORRA, Inc ) to promote integrity, fairness, honesty, and equality in the oriental rug retailing business for the purpose of strengthening and further developing the oriental retailing business as a whole, as well as ORRA, INC.


Each Oriental Rug Retailer and member of ORRA, Inc. shall:


A) Continue to operate its business from an established store;

B) Mark each rug with a label clearly stating the price, country of origin, type and materials contained therein;

C) Promptly notify ORRA, Inc. of a change in permanent location of its store by filing with ORRA, Inc. the new address and photographs of new permanent store location;

D) Maintain high ethical standards in advertising, selling and purchasing Oriental rugs;

E) Strictly comply with all local, state and federal laws, regulations and ordinances governing proper sales and trade practices, including improper advertisements or practices relating to going out of business;

F) Support the goals of ORRA Inc. in achieving greater education and protection of the Oriental rug consumer.